

Frequently Asked Questions

ATM Processing

How much does PDQ charge for processing?

We do not charge processing fees to our customers.

Can you process ATMs outside of the U.S?

Unfortunately, we can only process ATMs within the U.S

How can I manage my Route?

We will set every customer up with an ATM Portal to view terminals, check alerts, and run reports.

How much money will my ATM(s) make me?

This varies greatly depending on the location and customer flow. A “good” location averages about 300 surcharged withdrawals per month.

Does PDQ offer a service program, set up, and install ATM?

PDQ can program your ATM before it is shipped. Set up and Installation is up to you.

Credit Card Processing

How much will I pay in processing fees?

This varies depending on the Plan. Please contact PDQ to discuss which option may be best for you! Plans start at $50/month.

Does PDQ provide credit card equipment?

Yes, PDQ provides the equipment needed to accept Card payments.

When will I receive my funds?

We offer a Next Day funding and 2nd day funding plan.

How can I manage my transactions?

PDQ provides a monthly statement and an Online Portal to view and manage transactions.